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Welcome to Ginger's Toadstools

Our Approach...

At Ginger's Toadstools, we believe in the healing power of psychedelic mushrooms. Our Trip-Sits provide a safe and supportive environment for explorers to embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing. Our experienced guides are here to help you navigate the experience and make the most out of your trip. We are committed to providing a holistic approach to mental and physical wellness, using natural remedies and alternative therapies to promote healing and wellbeing.

Image by Lawrence Aritao

How Can Psilocybin Help Me?


Cancer/Terminal Illness

Facing a life-threatening illness can lead to existential distress, including concerns about mortality, the meaning of life, and one's place in the universe. Psilocybin therapy has been studied for its ability to help individuals navigate and find meaning in these existential concerns.​


Depression & Anxiety

Many studies have demonstrated significant improvements in cognitive function among individuals experiencing depression or anxiety. Out of those who received psilocybin treatment, 70% reported experiencing a more positive perspective on life. 


Spiritual & Existential Exploration

Psilocybin is often associated with mystical or spiritual experiences. For some individuals, these experiences may provide a sense of purpose, connectedness, and a broader understanding of existence.


Cognitive Enhancement

We are constantly working to improve our offerings and expand upon our technological capabilities. Our expert team of professionals is passionate about developing the most advanced tech on the market. Ready to experience the future? Get in touch.

Our Services

"The mind-body connection is key to self-healing. Nourish your thoughts, your body will follow; care for your body, your mind thrives. Healing lies in this union."


Our Explorers Say

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"The mushroom trip was like a warm, comforting embrace for my soul, connecting me more deeply to the world around me."

Nory C.

The Guide

Heidi Beron

Meet Heidi Beron, our warm-hearted owner and tripsitting guide. With over 15 years as a skilled CRNA in healthcare, Heidi discovered a passion for holistic healing beyond the confines of Western medicine. Driven by a desire to go beyond surface solutions, she fell in love with integrative and shamanic medicine, bringing a unique and compassionate approach to our transformative journeys.

Reach Out to Us!

Las Vegas, Nevada


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